Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sending: Bitter

We keep busy.
We hopscotch
emotion chalked
sidewalks. We’ve
skipped the honest
box for so long,
we’ve forgotten
the object of the game.

We keep friendly.
First base is screen name.
LOL down your pants,
Smiley face your shame.
It's so easy.
We’re so witty,
when we have a minute
to think between sentences.
Voices are just too intimate.

I’m unimpressed with sex.
Now I just crave connection.
I want you to tell me something
you wouldn’t have time to text.

One, two, three, four
I declare a thumb war,
used to be our hands laughing
palm to palm at our foolishness
Now it’s just our sarcastic
battle of messages.

We keep buzzing.
At the table, in the car
Reply as I steer.
Scene fades as I wait for
your return.
You are always in my pocket.
But you are never here.

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